A Promised Land (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 5
“Hey. The shower’s nice and hot. It’s all yours.” Aaron greeted casually, his green eyes taking in Kadil’s uncertain expression. He was still irritated that Kadil had lied about his papers, but Kadil must have a reason for not wanting to go to Jordan. He had seemed almost scared of the idea.
“Thanks.” Kadil ducked his head, then moved slowly into the cabin and headed for the shower.
Aaron clenched his jaw, closing his eyes, imagining all that tanned, manscaped flesh naked and wet as water sluiced over every dip and curve of the man’s body. If he wasn’t on an Italian Navy ship being escorted to Sicily he might just give in to the temptation to join the slightly older man, and explore all that glistening flesh. Instead he took a deep breath and called out a “…see you in the galley…” before leaving temptation behind, otherwise he’d end up embarrassing himself completely.
“What did you say?” Kadil suddenly appeared in the bathroom doorway, naked and dripping droplets of water, and his hair full of soap.
Aaron gulped, his cock going to full mast and tenting the material of his boxers and sweatpants, leaving no misunderstanding of his feelings right then. He’d tempered his attraction for the Syrian, for the children’s sake if nothing else. Now there was no impediment to his arousal.
“Aaron?” Kadil asked huskily, his own cock leaping upward in tandem, and Aaron stared, mesmerized at the reddened tip atop a long brown dick dripping moisture.
Aaron moved back into the cabin, as though some invisible thread was tugging on him, unable to help himself. His lust was in control now.
“Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop,” Aaron whispered, closing the door of the cabin before sinking to his knees before the beauty of Kadil’s body. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
Kadil let out a low groan, his fingers hesitantly discovering the damp silk of Aaron’s blond hair, gripping lightly.
Aaron looked up, licking his lips as he stared at Kadil through eyes dark with desire.
“Tell me to stop.” Aaron was practically begging but Kadil merely gripped tighter, his head thrown back as Aaron’s hot tongue darted out, tasting the moisture beading along the long thick flesh of Kadil’s beautiful dick. “Mmmm.” Aaron hummed his pleasure at Kadil’s musky taste, opening his lips wider and sucking just the tip of Kadil’s engorged cock into his mouth. Kadil jerked as though tasered, his hips bucking slightly, forcing his aching cock deeper.
Aaron’s head bobbed back and forth along the delicious meat, sucking hard on the backward stroke and opening wide as he swallowed it down. Reining in his gag reflex he groaned, his nose brushing Kadil’s damp pubes, working his throat muscles until Kadil’s moans of desire reverberated in the small cabin.
Still sucking hard, Aaron looked upward from beneath shadowy lashes, locking eyes on Kadil’s dark brown, liquid chocolate gaze. Kadil was panting now, his hips jerking in rhythm as he fucked Aaron’s mouth with shallow thrusts.
With a gasping cry hot seed shot out, lashing the back of Aaron’s throat as Kadil came hard, his entire body convulsing at the intensity of his orgasm, hands gripping handfuls of wet, blond hair as Aaron continued suckling, drinking up every drop of semen.
Kadil’s eyes closed as Aaron moved to stand, then opened in a hurry as he felt a warm mouth cover his, tasting his own ejaculate on Aaron’s lips. His arms went around Aaron’s larger frame, gripping the broad shoulders firmly as he fell into the kiss. Hungrily, passionately their lips mated voraciously. Aaron’s hands swept along the slick muscles of Kadil’s back, cupping his ass gently before sweeping back up, repeating the motion over and over as the kiss continued.
Finally, gasping for breath the pair parted, their foreheads touching, lips red and swollen. A large blob of shampoo bubbles suddenly plopped from Kadil’s hair and they both laughed softly in amusement.
“You should finish cleaning up. That stuff itches if you leave it on.” Aaron murmured, his heart slowing to a more normal rhythm as he recovered from their passionate embrace.
Kadil snorted, then eased away, dark eyes sparkling with amusement.
“You look like you showered in your clothes.” He chuckled, white teeth gleaming against his tanned skin and Aaron looked down at his damp clothing ruefully.
“That’s not my only problem.” He gestured to the darker damp patch at his groin. “I came in my pants when we kissed. You’re pretty hot stuff, stud.” Kadil looked down and grinned widely, then brushed his knuckles against his chest as though proud of his accomplishment.
“Take off your boxers, no one will notice when your pants dry.” He waggled his eyebrows mischievously as Aaron laughed a little, then stripped quickly, removing the boxer shorts and then donning the sweatpants again.
Kadil watched hungrily, his eyes mapping every sexy detail of Aaron’s beautiful body.
“I need to rinse these. They should dry okay for later.” Aaron slapped Kadil’s ass lightly as Kadil stepped away to finish off his shower. Kadil laughed as he stepped under the spray again, rinsing off. He watched as Aaron spent a few moments rinsing the shorts, then hung them over the shower rail as Kadil stepped out and dried himself.
Before heading back to the galley which housed the canteen for the crew to eat their meals, Kadil paused before they opened the door of the cabin.
“That was my first…” He hesitated, as though unsure how to proceed, blushing furiously.
“You’ve never…?” Aaron asked, his eyes softening as he looked at Kadil’s embarrassment.
“No. It was too dangerous. Even in private, there is too much risk of someone overhearing and reporting you. I never understood why it was such a bad thing. I don’t kill people, I don’t abuse children. I’m not evil.” Kadil looked near to tears, as though remembering his past was painful.
“You’re certainly not evil. You’re beautiful,” Aaron murmured softly, his lips finding Kadil’s again, his tongue exploring the curves and slick moisture within. “I can’t imagine living in fear of death like that. Not being able to trust anyone. There are still bigots and bullies in England, but mostly people don’t really care.” Kadil sighed as the kiss deepened before they parted once more. “If they do, for the most part, they keep their opinions to themselves. Each to their own, live and let live and all that.” Aaron was breathing hard after the hot kiss, his dick filling once again.
“Perhaps, though, until we get far away from danger, we should limit PDA’s for when we’re alone.” Aaron laughed a little at Kadil’s confused look. “Public Displays of Affection,” Aaron translated, grinning as Kadil laughed and nodded.
“I think maybe you are right. No point upsetting the situation any more than necessary. I’d rather not swim the rest of the way.”
They both laughed at that, then left the cabin.
Chapter Five
The meal in the small mess hall revealed some interesting facts about the uprising within Syria. Aaron had not really paid too much attention, and was regretting that fact. His mother was an international human rights barrister, so he was more than aware of how fragile the Middle East was right now.
He had been allowed to contact her via the satellite phone aboard the Navy cutter, which was returning to Italy after a series of rescue missions far from its home shores. Tonio and his crew were based in Naples, but had been patrolling throughout the Mediterranean. There had been an increase in vessels transporting refugees from the war zones in Syria, Libya and Africa across to Europe, and the added risk of other items being transported had put the Italians on the alert, since a lot of migrants ended up on their shores.
Their relief was on its way out and now they were headed home.
“Don’t you need to drop us at the nearest port?” Aaron asked during dinner that first night. The pasta and fish dishes had been well received, everyone hungry after several days with little food or water. A nice glass of Chianti had accompanied the meal and Aaron was feeling decidedly mellow for the moment.
“We already contacted Cypriot, Greek and Tu
rkish authorities, and they are refusing to assist.” Tonio replied, looking a little frustrated but resigned. “Is no problemo, we will take you all to Napoli, and we will register Kadil, Akeem and Zada as asylum seekers. Once you have your new papers, you can decide how you want to proceed.” He shrugged his shoulders in the classic Italian way, being decidedly laid back about the whole business.
“Do you think there will be a problem for the children?” Aaron asked, uneasy about the future for some reason.
He knew that asylum seekers often got a rough ride. No one wanted to accept responsibility, even for the children, since many countries had their own domestic problems with too many people living off state funding. He knew there were frauds who played the system, accepting welfare under false pretenses, rather than simply earning their way. They presented problems for people who genuinely needed a helping hand, since the state had become decidedly cynical about handing out free money to people from abroad. Kadil had a lot of work experience, in hotels and as a waiter, and Aaron was sure he would be okay. Aaron just hoped the children would have no problem getting help.
“The bambinos will need someone to sponsor them, I think. Otherwise they will end up in care. Italy will be able to help provide papers for everyone. You will need to decide what you want to do from there.”
“I will probably return to Syria,” Najib spoke up quietly. He sat looking at his plate of food. “My friends were murdered by Malik’s thugs. I cannot abandon my home. My people will not be ousted from our land by these murderers.” Tonio let out a muffled sound of distress, and Najib met his gaze steadily.
“I cannot abandon my people.” He looked torn. “I think I will sail back to Syria, and will answer my government’s questions about what happened in Tartus. We will not be bullied by people who have no business in our country.” His eyes were fierce, his expression determined.
“Then you must do what you need to do.” Tonio gave his friend a smile, not quite hiding his distress.
“Yes, I must. My wife and daughter were murdered by these people. I will not hide from them. I will fight for my freedom. I will avenge my family if that is Allah’s will.” Najib’s mouth firmed, his eyes downcast as they studied his plate once again.
“We shall discuss this later, my friend,” Tonio said, obviously not wanting to give in just yet. Najib darted a stubborn look his way, looking like he wanted to argue. “No, Najib. We have many things to talk about. Right now, we will simply enjoy our return cruise back to Napoli. Enjoy talking about old times. There may be another way to avenge your family and your people, without having to put yourself in danger.” Tonio raised a hand, stopping Najib’s protest.
“No, my friend. No talk of vengeance or honor or death or murderers. Tonight, we eat well, sleep well, and then we discuss the situation.” Tonio raised his water glass in a toast, then sipped slowly, his gaze defying Najib to say anything more.
“You always were stubborn as a mule, Tonio. I had forgotten that about you.” Najib gave a wry smile, lifting his glass and clinking it against the lieutenant’s. “Very well. We will talk no more of returning to Syria. You can tell us all about being an officer aboard this fine ship. I had not imagined you would join the navy. I thought perhaps you would pursue your painting.”
“Tonio paints?” Zada piped up, looking sleepy as she leaned against Kadil on the bench. “I like to paint, and draw.” She smiled at Tonio, her brown eyes soft and warm.
“I do like to paint, signorina,” Tonio replied with a cheerful smile at the child. “Perhaps tomorrow we can find some crayons and paper for you.” Zada nodded tiredly, then yawned widely.
“I think perhaps our little ones are exhausted and need a bed.” Aaron stood, lifting Akeem who was already asleep into his arms. Kadil rose also, gathering Zada up, smiling as she giggled. “Come on munchkins, let’s get you to sleep. See you in the morning. Thank you for a superb dinner.” He nodded to Tonio and Najib, then the other crew members sitting nearby.
One of the crew got up, leading the way to a cabin next to where Aaron and Kadil were to sleep.
“Thank you,” Aaron murmured to the sailor, who grinned, chucked Zada under her chin teasingly, and then left. “Here you go, Zada. We’re just across the hall, okay? If you need us, just knock.” He placed Zada gently onto the bunk bed, with her brother at the other end of the narrow bed.
Zada was asleep before her head hit the pillow, her lashes dark and luxuriant against her tanned cheek. Akeem looked like a little cherub, his face peaceful for the first time since they had escaped Damascus. Their journey had been frightening, always looking over their shoulder for danger. Now they were on their way to safety. This ship was a temporary refuge for the next few days until they reached Naples. They were already shedding some of the tension that had plagued them. He just hoped their recent tragedy had not scarred them too much. He had a hunch they would both need counselling.
He gave a heavy sigh, raking a hand through his shaggy blond hair, staring down at the children for a long time before straightening up and heading across the hall to his own cabin.
He felt Kadil close behind and all thoughts of the children faded as he realized he would be alone with Kadil again.
He felt his cock twitch as he remembered their recent passionate embrace, saliva pooling in his mouth at the thought of tasting the delicious flavors of the sexy man who had caught his attention from the first moment.
Entering the cabin, he stood for a moment in the center, unsure of his next move, jerking slightly as the door shut behind him, enclosing the two men inside.
He felt warm hands against his back, circling around and embracing him around his waist, resting lightly on his belly. Warm breath moistened the back of his neck and he shivered, turning his head slightly.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you all through dinner,” Kadil admitted in a whisper, his words barely audible. “For days all I’ve thought about was reaching safety. It’s been all I could think about. It was too dangerous to think about anything else.” Warm lips caressed Aaron’s cheek, the rasp of stubble sending darts of awareness straight to his groin. Predictably his dick was getting all hot and bothered, rising to the occasion like a champ.
“My friend, the one who was killed. He and I never…consummated our love, not fully.” Kadil’s voice went deeper, guttural almost, and his tongue swept out to taste the salty skin of Aaron’s cheek.
Aaron felt the rigid flesh of Kadil’s hardening cock against his butt and shuddered, his head falling back onto Kadil’s shoulder, allowing the sexy Syrian to explore further with his warm tongue. “You are like the sun, Aaron. You burn so brightly, so fiercely. I cannot breathe when you are near, you take away what breath is in my lungs.” He nibbled on Aaron’s earlobe, nipping lightly as his fingers moved south, delving beneath the waistband of Aaron’s pants.
Aaron let out a strangled cry of torment as his cock was engulfed in a warm, calloused fist, his pants pushed down to his ankles, leaving his lower torso bare.
He turned his head to the side, finding those delectable lips with his, sighing as Kadil opened to him with a groan. Immediately, Aaron took full advantage. Diving in tongue-first and exploring the dark, succulent recesses of his lover’s mouth he savored every inch, every flavor. The fist on his cock pumped slowly, twisting slightly at the tip, bringing him to hard, aching life. His hips pumped in time with the tempo, his mouth avidly drinking from Kadil’s.
He had no breath left in his lungs for words. Only sighs, moans and delighted groans as Kadil took him close to the edge of reason.
“Come for me, sweet sunshine, show me how much I please you.” Kadil growled against Aaron’s mouth, his fist began to stroke more quickly and with a muffled cry of pleasure Aaron came all over Kadil’s fingers. Warm semen spewed like a fountain, sending thick ropes of cum upward in a shower of cream as his hips jerked involuntarily with the force of his orgasm.
“Kadil,” Aaron sighed into his lover’s mouth, turning in Kadil’s
arms and kissing him hungrily. He lifted Kadil’s sticky hand, sharing a hungry look with the man, then shared his seed in a sloppy, sexy exchange of tongues and saliva and spunk that had them both panting hard.
“So sexy,” Aaron breathed, pulling Kadil closer, his arms wrapping around the man and holding him close, inhaling the heady fragrance of Kadil’s skin mixed with the heavy scent of sex. “We should shower, then I think sleep is in order.” He lifted Kadil’s chin gently, losing himself in those deep, dark pools of his lover’s eyes. “Whatever happens in Italy, I want this to continue,” Aaron said, cupping Kadil’s face in both of his hands, then pressing his lips softly to Kadil’s.
“You want me?” Kadil said breathlessly, several minutes later, as they parted finally. “I thought...?” He tried to move away but Aaron tightened his grip, refusing to let Kadil go.
“I feel something for you. I don’t know where it will lead, but I do know I don’t want it to end in Italy.” Aaron spoke gruffly. “I haven’t felt this way about anyone before.” His fingers stroked Kadil’s cheek gently, feeling the scratch of stubble against his palm.
“You seemed to think I used you,” Kadil said, his eyes solemn, their depths hard to read for a moment.
“You did use me,” Aaron retorted, a little sharply, tightening his grip again as Kadil flinched, trying to move away. “Don’t deny it, Kadil, you know you looked at me and the children as a way out of Damascus. I don’t know why you chose us, but if you hadn’t followed us, I would be dead by now and Zada and Akeem would be at the mercy of Malik and Qasim. I dread to think what they would have suffered. I don’t think your motives matter. You could have just left us, but you didn’t. You could have told lies at that little spice shop, but you helped us to escape.” Aaron pressed a hard kiss to Kadil’s lips, as though trying to instill the force of his words into the caress. “I was irritated at you wanting to go to Tartus, rather than head into Jordan. I’m not sure what trouble you got into there, but without you helping us, we wouldn’t be here now.” He stared hard into Kadil’s eyes, green eyes glittering like jewels in his lightly tanned face. “You lied about not having a passport, too. Just what happened in Jordan that you would travel so far in the opposite direction?”