Two Spirit Tournament [Spirit of Sage 8] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour ManLove)
Spirit of Sage 8
Two Spirit Tournament
David, up to his eyes and ears in teaching the mini critters and helping with the Two Spirit Tournament, faces a new challenge. Three studly mates arrive in the form of Sketch, Skull, and Sherman's step-brother, Kaden. With things heating up in the arenas, and outside forces wanting to stop the tournament in its tracks, is David ready to face what comes next?
Depressed and lonely, David wants what all his friends have found: someone to love and cherish. Is this the time? Or will those haters prove to be more than Sage can handle?
His mates, a wolverine shifter, an African lion shifter, and a kick-ass human want to prove to David that he is not a third wheel, but an integral part of their quad. With a sinister new group, Flashpoint, rearing its head, it’s time to show the outside world what Sage is all about. And time for the mates to prove to David their love.
Genre: Alternative (M/M/M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Western/Cowboys
Length: 42,004 words
Spirit of Sage 8
Jools Louise

Siren Publishing, Inc.
Copyright © 2017 by Jools Louise
ISBN: 978-1-64010-476-1
First Publication: July 2017
Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2017 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.
All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
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Thanks again to my readers. I love to hear that you’re enjoying reading my books…plenty more to come. Xxx JL
I’m a forty-something single female whose love of creative writing goes back to childhood. When getting a “proper” job took priority, writing took a back seat. I took the plunge a little while ago to get serious, wrote a manuscript, then sent it off, and the rest is history…several books published now, and I’m writing plenty more. I love writing LGBTQ erotic fiction because it crosses boundaries and explores prejudice, which is what I try to convey.
I live in the northwest of England, close to the English Lake District, just a few miles from the sea and with beautiful scenery all around.
I hope you enjoy the stories I’ve written so far. Feel free to look me up on Facebook, Twitter (@joolslouise1), or my website,, and leave feedback, ask a question, or just say hi.
For all titles by Jools Louise, please visit
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Author
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Spirit of Sage 8
Copyright © 2017
Chapter One
David sat on the porch of his small cottage, inhaling the fragrant scent of aspens and the subtle hint of autumn on the sultry breeze. Hidden in the woods at Two Spirit Ranch, this was his refuge, his escape from the bustle and hustle of rounding up his rowdy little shifter rascals at the small school he ran. They were adorable and demanding, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had a recollection of his own childhood, spent locked in one cage after another, handed from one tourist to the next, discarded when he ceased to be cute and amenable. Those days were long gone, thankfully, but the memories weren’t far away. On evenings like this, he could pluck a dozen from his mind and marvel at how far he’d come.
He smiled, thinking of his best friend, Chaz, who had endured the same horrors alongside him all those years ago. They had thought they would be mates, confusing their love for something romantic rather than the brotherly bond it had turned out to be. Chaz was mated now to a huge ex-biker, an ex-con named Sherman. The man worshipped Chaz, and it made David happy to see his friend so loved.
“Are you okay?” a deep voice asked suddenly, and he glanced up from his musings. He saw his adopted father, Joe McKellar, standing there, tall and strong, his dark hair now streaked with a hint of gray.
“You keep asking that,” David replied, shrugging and smiling ruefully.
“Because I keep seeing sadness in you, son,” Joe said, walking up and sitting beside David. He wrapped a companionable arm around his son’s shoulders, and David felt the prick of tears sting his eyelids. He blinked, unsure why he was feeling so morose. He had a family, a good job, and a lot of friends. They were about to hold the first Two Spirit Tournament in history, and shifters from all over the world were arriving to compete. It was a triumph, and yet David felt…sad. And he couldn’t shake the feeling.
“What’s wrong, David?” Joe asked. “You seem confused.”
David leaned into his father, inhaling the familiar scent that always made him feel safe and secure. Joe had slayed monsters, taken in a bunch of confused and frightened teenagers, and opened his heart and his home to them. He was a hero. A man who had his feet firmly on the ground, but still managed to move mountains.
“I honestly don’t know,” David said after a long, thoughtful pause. “I was thinking about Chaz for a minute, thinking how much has changed. He has Sherman now, and the two of them light up the sky when they’re together. I sort of envy them. We almost ended up together, me and Chaz, and then to find out that we share the same miserable father was just sickening. I’m glad Chaz is my brother, but still…eew!”
Joe chuckled softly, stroking his back gently. “Yeah, Sean was a piece of work, wasn’t he?” He sighed heavily, and David just knew he would be getting “the talk” right about now. He’d just discovered his true mates, all three of them, and was reeling from the shock. Joe had been there when the trio had declared who they were: Sketch, Skull (aka Sully), and Kaden, who was Sherman’s stepbrother. David figured they’d all been as surprised as he was.
“So, do I need to go knock some heads together?” Joe asked, only half teasing.
David laughed and shot his adopted father a dry look. “I’ll let you know,” he replied, smiling.
“Kaden and Skull were already mated, weren’t they?” Joe asked delicately.
David sigh
ed. “I’m not confused about that,” he said, shrugging. “They’ve been amazingly patient with me. Whenever they’re near, I feel as though I’ll self-combust because of the physical attraction I have for them. I’m not worried that there isn’t a connection, because there absolutely is, and god knows it appears to be entirely mutual. It’s just…”
“You’re scared you won’t fit in,” Joe stated intuitively.
“Not exactly,” David said, frustrated, raking a hand through his shaggy blond mane. “I’m a virgin, Dad,” he said, flushing. “Chaz and I did some heavy petting and kissed, but that was it. I always loved him, but I never felt the intensity that I do with my mates. Skull just has to send me a look from those gorgeous turquoise eyes of his, and I’m ready to roll over and beg him to make love to me.”
Joe huffed, his face a little flushed as well. “Well, that’s kind of how it’s supposed to go,” he drawled, as embarrassed as David was with the conversation.
David nudged his father with his elbow, laughing at the retort. “Yes, I know that,” he shot back, rolling his eyes. “I’m just scared, that’s all. Whenever Chaz and I started anything, I was always the one to pull away first, making some excuse to halt our lovemaking. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to, but because my dick stopped right when it got to the good bits,” he blurted out, flushing even more.
Joe stared at him, his eyes widening in understanding.
“So, because you’ve had some erectile dysfunction with someone who you were attracted to but maybe didn’t feel completely comfortable making love with, you think you’re defective?” he asked, forgoing delicacy for bluntness.
“That’s about the size of it,” David retorted dryly, wondering if he should just make a run for it.
“Have you had a medical exam to see if there’s any underlying causes?” Joe continued in his blunt vein and had David groaning and closing his eyes in dismay.
“Dad…” he protested, ducking his head and shoving at the big lion shifter next to him, who continued to stare, not giving ground. “No, I haven’t seen anyone,” he replied after a long pause. “Do you think I want the whole town knowing I’m not the man they thought I was?” he said bitterly.
“Baby, you’re every bit the man we want you to be,” a new voice drawled quietly. David glanced up, startled, and stared right into a pair of beautiful turquoise eyes. Skull. A wolverine shifter who used to work for Ryder as a deep-cover agent, but was now mated to David, Kaden, and Sketch, and helped police the town with Sheriff Pace. Skull was a kick-ass deputy sheriff now after deciding that his roaming days were over.
“David, honey, the only way to get through this is to be honest with yourself and your mates,” Joe said gently. “I love you, and I know how strong you try to be for everyone. You’re not alone, son. Relationships, any relationships, take work and time and a lot of soul-searching before you get to be completely comfortable. That’s the way it’s supposed to be, finding out what works and what doesn’t.” Joe stood up, dragging David with him, and gave his son a big bear hug, squeezing him tightly, as he always had, making David feel safe and very much loved. “Honey, if you think you need to see anyone professionally, Murphy or Lex, then do it. They don’t gossip, and they’re very good at what they do.” He eased back, his beautiful brown eyes reassuring David. “I’m here for you, love. Always.”
They hugged again, then parted as Joe turned to leave.
“David, you know where to find me if you need to talk,” he said. “Or if you need me to knock some heads together,” he said with a hard stare at Skull, who smirked back, not intimidated in the slightest.
“Dude, that’s not what I was intending to knock together,” the wolverine shifter drawled, waggling his eyebrows mockingly.
Joe groaned, shaking his head, then waved good-bye and ambled up the trail to the main ranch house, about half a mile away from the cottage.
David sent Skull a chiding glance, but smiled at the incorrigible wink he got back. The wolverine was so many kinds of crazy it wasn’t even funny. David loved his mischievous streak and the don’t-give-a-crap attitude he had about what people thought. David wished he could be more like that. Sometimes, though, he was so wrapped up in minutiae that he couldn’t always see a way through to the other side.
Skull moved closer, his moves predatory as his eyes darkened perceptibly. “David, I don’t want you to fear what’s perfectly natural,” he said huskily, the scent of his arousal rising, tickling David’s nostrils, sending his libido into orbit. Within moments, David was plastered to the man’s hard body, his cock hard as granite, grinding against his mate, dry humping him as their lips met in a powerful, desperate display of need.
Groaning, David felt Skull cup his ass, felt the firm massage of his glutes, and fell into the kiss, drowning in passion as the heat between them erupted. The inferno consumed David, driving every other thought from his head as he drank his mate’s taste, savoring the spicy flavor over and over. They tried different angles, always coming back for more tongue play, sucking and licking and nipping avidly.
“Baby, you’re so fucking sexy,” Skull whispered hoarsely, bucking against him. He dropped to his knees and peeled David’s shorts from his legs, dragging them down to reveal David’s hard, throbbing, dripping cock, which rose impudently to slap against the man’s lips once released.
“Oh, this is gorgeous, baby,” Skull said approvingly and licked his lips. A second later David gave a choked off cry of surprise as he found his cock surrounded by warm, moist heat. He looked down, unable to help himself, and watched his beautiful mate sampling him with obvious greed. Those turquoise eyes glanced up through thick dark lashes, sultry and so fucking sexy that David couldn’t breathe. He came, unable to stop himself, bucking into Skull’s hungry mouth as the stud drank his seed, humming in pleasure.
“Hmmm, delicious,” Skull said with a growl after popping off David’s dick and getting to his feet. He opened his mouth to show David that he hadn’t swallowed everything, the creamy spunk lying on his tongue invitingly. “Here, baby, taste yourself,” Skull said. Groaning, David obeyed; he closed his eyes as he met his lover’s lips and took his own seed into his mouth in a sloppy, dirty kiss that had his cock twitching once more, then beginning to fill again in a shocking revival.
“Skull…” David sighed, feeling light-headed and just a little stunned.
“David, my love, there’s nothing wrong with your function that ol’ Doctor Skull can’t cure,” the wolverine drawled with a sexy smile, his exotically colored irises gleaming with lust and amusement. “You just hadn’t found the right stimulus, that’s all.”
Gently, he tugged David’s shorts back into place, patted his ass, and then returned to the task of kissing and canoodling, right there on the porch for all to see. David was soon lost in his lover’s touch, trembling in the aftermath of his release and absolutely smitten. The man was certainly stimulating. He prayed he’d survive the assault to his senses, which had scattered again into the wind.
* * * *
Kaden rubbed his eyes wearily, staring at the screen in front of him and scowling at the list of names. “These guys are like a who’s who of dishonorably discharged ex-military scum,” he said harshly, and heard Ryder give a grunt of agreement.
“Yeah, they’re not exactly the most exemplary cast of characters, are they?” he replied, leaning back in his chair and stretching the kinks out of his neck.
“I recognize a few,” John said, perched on the corner of the desk, staring over at Kaden’s computer, perusing the names intently. “I worked with a couple. I don’t remember them ever being so committed to a cause before, unless they were getting paid.”
“Then maybe they aren’t just a random organization,” Sheriff Pace Achak suggested. “We still have the rogue wolverine element, who have not all been dealt with. The bitch who attacked Douglas is still out there. And there’s the prison gang in San Quentin who have links to all kinds of crap on the outside.”
��Yeah,” Sherman interjected grimly, standing just behind Kaden. “Those bastards pretty much ran the prison. They’re fierce, vicious, and have no loyalty to anything but money. If it pays, they play,” he added. “Which means they could quite easily persuade their less savory acquaintances to join an initiative like this paramilitary unit that’s appeared out of nowhere.”
“What do you think of this Ghost character?” Pace asked John. “He’s a veteran, no demerits on his record, and lost both of his legs to the Taliban. Is he legit? I know you’re involved with getting his friend Geoff, some help, but I can’t stop thinking there’s something a little off about Ghost. As though he’s hiding something. Sometimes I get the impression that he’s laughing at all of us, that he’s putting one over on us.”
John didn’t reply for a moment. “I can’t get a bead on him, actually,” the big Brit admitted finally. “He seems pretty cool, and judging by his service record and what Geoff’s told me about him, his story could be true.” He paused, frowning. “You’re right, though; he’s not been completely honest with us, even though he’s volunteered for the tournament and has been a mine of information about the paramilitary group. He’s almost too good to be true, always there at the right time and place. I’m not quite buying what he’s trying to sell, particularly since he’s gone missing several times in the past few weeks. Douglas told me that he visits the mall quite often, and the sports complex, and asks all kinds of questions that are a little out there. It’s almost as though Ghost is checking everything out, as though he has an agenda.”